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篇名 儒墨喪葬禮儀之爭論衡
卷期 44:2=513
並列篇名 A Fair Discourse on the Funeral Rites Controversy between Confucianism and Mohism
作者 張俊
頁次 019-036
關鍵字 喪葬禮儀Funeral RitesFilial PietyRitesBenefitFrugalityA&HCI
出刊日期 201702




The funeral rites controversy between Confucianism and Mohism was mainly on the two questions, the cost of bury and the length of mourning. Confucians insisted that people should bury their dead family members ceremoniously and sorrow for a long time. This idea, which based on the filial piety and the rites, highlighted the sadness and respect for the dead people, and emphasized the value of ethic and teaching in the funeral rites. Mohists insisted that people should bury their dead family members frugally and sorrow for just a short time. This idea, which based on frugality and interests, highlighted people’s benefits in the world, and emphasized the realistic significance of funeral rites. Comparatively speaking, the funeral thoughts of Confucians represented some characters of the theory of virtue, and the funeral thoughts of Mohists represented some characters of utilitarianism or effect theory. Some thoughts from Confucians’ funeral thoughts and Mohists’ can complement each other, and offer some useful ideas for contemporary society.
