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篇名 《正蒙》對儒家「死生之說」的重構
卷期 44:2=513
並列篇名 The Reconstruction of Confucian Theory of “Death-and-Life” in Correcting the Unenlightened
作者 張美宏
頁次 037-051
關鍵字 《正蒙》儒家張載死生之說民胞物與德福兼致Correcting the UnenlightenedConfucianismChang TsaiTheory of Death-and-LifeGenuine Care of Men and ThingsAcquisition of Morality and HappinessA&HCI
出刊日期 201702




The matter of Life and death is a key issue in the philosophy of life, and Confucian philosophy of life had discussed this issue in depth from the time of Confucius. However, with the rise of Buddhism and Taoism, the issue became too complex to be made clear because it was the idea of life transmigration and the idea of life immortality that is opposite to Confucian rational spirit. Correcting the Unenlightened is one of Chang Tsai`s philosophical works in his old age, which contains a comprehensive construction of Confucian Theory of “Death-and-Life”. Based on the Cosmic Ontological default of Gas-Accumulation and Gas-Dispersion, the process from life to death was reduced to a necessity from finite life to infinite Taixu, and by doing that it not only theoretically supported the Confucian right view that death befell all men alike, but also highlighted the need of their actively projecting life on the moral standpoint. By reflecting the concern about living style and living attitude, advocating the genuine care of men and things, and seeking for the acquisition of the morality and happiness, approaches of Confucian projecting life were reasonably demonstrated in Correcting the Unenlightened.
