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篇名 Two-Time Olympic Gold Medal Winner, Hsu Shuching
卷期 7
作者 Cason HsuTien MingweiHsu Shuching
頁次 004-008
出刊日期 201703



Hsu Shuching (許淑淨) from Lunbei, Yunlin (雲林崙 背鄉), was the first girl born to the Hsu family in three generations. Her family is not rich, but she is still the apple of her parents’ eyes. As a child, they dressed her in lace tutu and white stockings. Now, after years of lifting weights, her neck has grown thicker and her shoulders wider. Calluses have appeared on her hands because she didn’t waste her teenage years in a typical young girl’s dream world, but spent them repeating the same basic movements: lifting up dead weight and putting it down, day after day.

