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篇名 Double-Decker Sightseeing Buses Brighten the Streets
卷期 7
作者 Xu KaisenShi ChuntaiXu Yirong
頁次 044-049
出刊日期 201703



There’s now a new way to play when you come to Taipei – take a ride on a double-decker sightseeing bus, and see all the popular hotspots in a single outing! During the city sightseeing-bus tour, scenic and architectural highlights are introduced, providing visitors with a quick outline of Taipei’s contours. Travelers who have already crossed the sea to visit Taipei will surely be willing to put on light rain gear and risk a bit of the wet stuff, in order to experience the city’s real atmosphere and ambience. To the intrepid voyager, this is the true meaning of travel!

