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篇名 利用特徵選取與增加樣本來提高決策樹在信用卡預測的準確度
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Using Feature Selection and Addition Samples Improve the Accuracy of the Decision Tree in Credit Card Forecasting
作者 蘇高玄
頁次 135-145
關鍵字 決策樹特徵選取信用卡Decision TreeFeature SelectionCredit Card
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.6285/MIC.6(1).11




Data and Information can get very easily in the internet epoch. But the traditional statistical analysis tools are limited to analysis the high dimensionality data, the decision tree algorithm is popular which is the one tool of the data mining classification techniques. In this study, we use the feature selection variables and increase the number of new samples to study whether the decision tree algorithm for the accuracy of the influences, the database comes from the department of credit card of a domestic bank corporation. The results show that both the feature selection variables and the addition new samples increase the accuracy of the decision tree, and the accuracy of the feature selection variables is higher than that of the addition new samples.
