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篇名 晶圓廠勞動過程之探討 以時間秩序為分析角度
卷期 28
並列篇名 The Investigation of the Temporal Order of the Labor Process in Semiconductor Fabs
作者 林宗德
頁次 045-086
關鍵字 半導體產業半導體晶圓廠勞動過程時間秩序Semiconductor IndustrySemiconductor FabsLabor ProcessTemporal OrderTHCI Core
出刊日期 201212




Contemporary semiconductor manufacturing is characterized by the erasure of the boundary between research and production, the arrangement that seeks to accommodate to the intricacy of chip making process and the rapidity of technology change. The rapidity of technology change in semiconductor manufacturing, frequently couched in terms of the so-called ‘Moore’s Law,’ maintains at a speed that the number of transistors that can be put on an integrated circuit doubles every one to two years. The indistinguishability between laboratory and factory, however, makes the allocation of the machine time—both for research and for production purposes—a prominent factor that shapes the temporal order of work in semiconductor fabs. This paper analyzes the temporal order of technicians’ as well as engineers’ work. Technicians are exempted from handling problems that arise in the production process, and their work is characterized by short, successive tasks in a predictable sequence—a ‘monochronic’ order. In contrast, due to the complexity of semiconductor manufacturing, engineers face problems that arise randomly, and are forced to undertake several tasks which last for various lengths of time simultaneously—their work is in a ‘polychronic’ order. With the machine time monopolized by the production department, difficulty in gaining access to the machine time for experimentation, the basis for both problem-solving and research work, contributes further to the polychronicity of engineers’ work. In semiconductor fabs, miniaturization trend dictates the way machine time is allocated, which in turn leads to the long working hours of engineers.
