
東吳哲學學報 THCI

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篇名 從技藝與機運的對立關係來看公共領域中的政治自由—鄂蘭與海德格的比較
卷期 35
並列篇名 On Political Freedom in Public Sphere in View of the Contrast between Téchne and Túche ──A Comparison between Arendt and Heidegger
作者 汪文聖
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 技藝機運公共領域漢娜鄂蘭馬丁海德格TéchneTúchePublic SphereHannah ArendtMartin HeideggerTHCI
出刊日期 201702


此文始於討論亞里斯多德理解政治為一種技藝,及其界定的技藝對反於 機運。故政治學既非精確的科學,也非偶發的意見,它可稱為一種技藝之學, 政治是以人為活動來面對機運的公共事務。其次本文探討漢娜.鄠蘭如何理 解公共領域中的政治自由為多數公民的意志,以面對一個機運的、但可被化 解的不確定未來。本文接著對馬丁•海德格基於「此一在」的意志與從「存 有」的本有而來的思想,以理解公共領域中的政治自由,並詮釋政治對於海 德格而言是如何面對機運的。最後我們可做介於鄠蘭與海德格之間的一個比 較。


This paper begins with a discussion of the thesis that politics is a kind of téchne (art), as Aristotle states. He defines téchne to be the opposite of túche (chance). Hence, politics is neither an exact science nor an accidental opinion. It is, rather, a teachable art or skill (Kunstlehre). Politics is a public affair in the sense of human activity facing túche. Based on this theme, the paper investigates how Hannah Arendt interprets political freedom in public sphere as the will of the plural citizens, facing an uncertain future, which can be interpreted as túche, in an attempt to still the disquiet of the collective ego. We further investigate Heidegger’s understanding of political freedom in public sphere based on his comprehension of the will of Da-sein and the enowning (Ereignis) of Being. Hence we can also interpret how politics is for Heidegger to face túche. With this regard, a comparison between Arendt and Heidegger could be made.
