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篇名 Empowerment Program for People With Prediabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 糖尿病前期個案之賦權計畫—隨機對照試驗
作者 陳美芳洪淑玲陳淑玲
頁次 099-111
關鍵字 empowermentprediabeteshealth-promoting lifestyleblood sugarself-efficacy充能糖尿病前期健康促進生活型態血糖自我效能MEDLINEScopusSSCITSCITSSCISCIE
出刊日期 201704
DOI 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000193


背景 賦權介入可提升執行健康促進生活型態之結果,進而延緩或預防糖尿病的發生。然而,少有研究測試賦權介入對於糖尿病前期個案的成效。

目的 發展賦權介入方案,並評價對於糖尿病前期個案健康促進生活型態、血糖、身體質量 指數與自我效能之效果。

方法 2013 年5月至12月,進行實驗性研究。在高雄市某醫院健檢門診,以方便取樣,選取 糖尿病前期個案,以隨機區塊方式,8人為一區塊,分成實驗組與對照組。38位實驗 組接受為期4個月「ABC賦權介入方案」,依覺醒、行動與省思階段,協助個案能執行 健康促進生活型態。40位對照組接受原本之醫院照護。統計方法包括描述性統計、獨 立樣本t檢定、配對t檢定與廣義估計方程式。

結果 從介入前至介入完成後1星期與3個月,實驗組比對照組在健康促進生活型態、血糖與 自我效能有更大的改善(p < .01)。從介入前至介入完成後3 個月,實驗組比對照組在身 體質量指數有顯著的降低(p = .001)。

結論 賦權介入方案對台灣的糖尿病前期個 案在行為、生理、心理與社會有短期正向結果, 此可作為教育、實務及研究的參考。


Background: Practicing a health-promoting lifestyle is believed to be effective for delaying or preventing the onset of diabetes. However, although empowerment interventions have proven effective for encouraging the adoption of a health-promoting lifestyle in people with diabetes, these interventions are rarely promoted to people with prediabetes. Purpose: The aims of this study were to develop an empowerment program for people with prediabetes and to examine its efficacy in terms of the adoption of a health-promoting lifestyle and improvements in blood sugar, body mass index, and self-efficacy. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted between May and December 2013. A convenience sample of people with a fasting blood sugar level of 100Y125 mg/dl during the previous 3 months was recruited from the health examination center of a hospital in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Participants were assigned to either the experimental group or the control group using block randomization with a block size of 8. The experimental group (n = 38) participated in a 4-month empowerment program (the ABC empowerment program), which encouraged participants to practice a health-promoting lifestyle in three phases: awareness raising, behavior building, and results checking. The control group (n = 40) received routine clinical care. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, independent t test, paired t test, and generalized estimated equations. Results: After controlling for the differences at baseline and considering the interaction between group and time from baseline to 1 week and 3 months after completing the intervention, the generalized estimating equation showed significantly larger improvements in a health-promoting lifestyle, blood sugar, and self-efficacy in the experimental group than in the control group (p G .01). Furthermore, the experimental group achieved a larger reduction in bodymass index than the control group at 3months after completing the intervention (p = .001). Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The empowerment program was shown to have short-term, positive effects on behavioral, physical, and psychosocial outcomes in a Taiwan population with prediabetes. The results of this study provide a useful reference not only for healthcare personnel when implementing empowerment interventions in people with prediabetes but also for nursing educators and healthcare policymakers.
