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篇名 公民宗教與宗教公民
卷期 44:4=515
並列篇名 Civil Religion and Religious Citizen
作者 劉久清
頁次 159-174
關鍵字 世俗化後世俗社會公民宗教宗教公民瀰散性宗教理性SecularizationPost-secular SocietyCivil ReligionReligious CitizenDiffused ReligionRationalityA&HCI
出刊日期 201704




For our society, the politics-religion problems caused by modernity, secularization and post-secular, are both universal and local in nature. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the relevant concepts and grasp the local implications of these concepts before it is possible to talk about how to deal with these issues properly. In this paper, we point out that if the nation building need to be accomplished, we must first grasp the diffused nature of religion in our society. And if we try to resolve the politics-religion problems through religious citizens, the main issue should not be the difference between secular reason and religious reason, only when the secular citizens and religious citizens who participate in the public sphere can strangificate their reason, tolerating each other and practice reasonableness, it is possible.
