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篇名 領導行為、組織氣候與工作滿意度之研究:以地方民意機關為例
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 A Study on Leadership Behavior, Organizational Climate, and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Local Representative Councils
作者 紀麗秋鄧誠中鄭明傑
頁次 034-060
關鍵字 領導行為組織氣候工作滿意度民意機關leadership behaviororganizational climatejob satisfactionrepresentative council
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.6635/cpar.2016.23(1).02


歷年來對於探討領導行為、組織氣候與工作滿意度三者關係的研究可謂不少, 但以我國内民意機關行政人員為對象,同時探討上述三研究主題的文獻卻付之闕 如。因此本研究以雲林縣民意機關行政人員為研究對象,探討領導行為、組織氣 候與工作滿意度間的關係。研究採文獻分析法與問卷調查法進行,問卷經信、效 度檢驗後經施測所得之初級資料,以皮爾森積差相關分析與迴歸分析進行假設檢 定,獲致研究結果。 本實徵研究之主要結果指出,領導行為分別與組織氣候、工作滿意度間呈現 顯著的中度正相關;此外,組織氣候與工作滿意度間更呈現顯著的中高度正相關。 最後,領導行為與組織氣候分別對於工作滿意度都具有預測力;但當領導行為與 組織氣候交互影響下,領導行為對於工作滿意度的影響減弱。


Considerable amount of research work has been devoted on issues regarding leadership behavior, organizational climate, and/or job satisfaction. In this cluster topic, however, there has not been any discussion applying to the representative councils in Taiwan. This study, being among the first of its kind, based on a sample of all 202 staff in the local representative councils in Yunlin County, sets out to examine the relationships between leadership behavior, organizational climate, and job satisfaction. A questionnaire survey method is used, and then the survey results are analyzed by statistical methods, mainly correlation analysis and regression analysis. Our empirical results show that leadership behavior is positively associated with both organizational climate and job satisfaction in the underlying representative councils. Secondly, organizational climate is significantly positively correlated to job satisfaction. Finally, while both leadership behavior and organization climate positively affect job satisfaction, the predictive power of leadership behavior is noticeably weaker in magnitude when associated with organization climate.
