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篇名 大學學生自治組織發展與學生參與度之分析
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 The study on development of student selfgovernment of University and student’s participation in Taiwan
作者 吳律德蘇秉玄劉麗娟
頁次 090-116
關鍵字 公民教育公民社會學生自治組織學生參與度leadership behaviororganizational climatejob satisfactionrepresentative council
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.6635/cpar.2016.23(1).04


臺灣為一民主社會,欲使其有效運作有賴於公民積極參與,故教育的目標 即包含培養具有民主素養的公民。2005年大學法為因應公民社會的要求,將第 33條修正為「大學應輔導學生成立由全校學生選舉產生之學生會及其他相關自 治組織…,以增進學生在校學習效果及自治能力」,更確立大學自治係包含學生 自治的概念及教育功能;目前臺灣學生自治相關研究多以質化研究方法為主, 且大多運用個案研究或深度訪談,較著重於少數參與者之研究,故常因研究範 圍及限制,無法呈現學生自治組織與學生參與情況之分析。有鑑於此,本研究 擬透過學生自治政策沿革文獻整理,以次級資料分析法,將教育部歷年全國大 專院校學生自治組織概況量化統計調查進行分析。研究顯示,雖然學生自治組 織發展明顯受到政府施政強度的影響,但因越來越多全校性學生自治組織有舉 辦教育訓練,使得學生參與度逐漸提高,同時也讓學生會會長更具有全校學生 代表性;故整體而言,學生自治組織正逐漸朝向成熟之趨勢發展。


Considerable amount of research work has been devoted on issues regarding leadership behavior, organizational climate, and/or job satisfaction. In this cluster topic, however, there has not been any discussion applying to the representative councils in Taiwan. This study, being among the first of its kind, based on a sample of all 202 staff in the local representative councils in Yunlin County, sets out to examine the relationships between leadership behavior, organizational climate, and job satisfaction. A questionnaire survey method is used, and then the survey results are analyzed by statistical methods, mainly correlation analysis and regression analysis. Our empirical results show that leadership behavior is positively associated with both organizational climate and job satisfaction in the underlying representative councils. Secondly, organizational climate is significantly positively correlated to job satisfaction. Finally, while both leadership behavior and organization climate positively affect job satisfaction, the predictive power of leadership behavior is noticeably weaker in magnitude when associated with organization climate.
