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篇名 談胡適為曹珮聲寫的一些白話詩
卷期 31
並列篇名 Discussion of some modern poems composed by Dr. Hu Shi dedicated to Ms. Cao Pei Sheng
作者 朱歧祥
頁次 061-076
關鍵字 胡適曹珮聲山月詩Hu ShiCao Pei Shengthe poems of mountain and moonTHCI Core
出刊日期 201606


胡適這一批以「山月」為題的白話詩,原沒有很深的意境,文字處理亦 只勉強達到流暢通順的地步而已。但在胡適內心深處,卻是無比珍貴的私秘 心靈記託。我們透過詩人率性的將真情形諸於文字,在不經意或刻意之間流 露出相同的烙印,對比詩人的日記,足以互證以上詩篇都是為了曹珮聲一人 而寫的。在學者的胡適、嚴肅典雅的胡適、容忍的胡適背後,浮現出另一似 水柔情的胡適。如此對應觀照詩與詩之間的關鍵用字,才能綜合而完整的了 解真正的胡適這個人的內心。胡適當年強調治學方法需要「大膽假設,小心 求證」,本文嘗試以字接情,容或能客觀還原1923 年時胡詩創作動機的真相!


Dr. Hu Shi’s several poems about the mountain and moon do not include many images and metaphors, but just hiding some secret memories in his deep heart. By comparing Hu’s diary and the special keywords in his poems, we can prove that those poems about the mountain and moon are written for his beloved lady, Ms. Cao Pei Sheng. It shows the tender hearted of Dr. Hu. The essay trends to connect his words with his real feeling, and analyze the true mind of Hu’s writing in those poems.
