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篇名 教學行動載具創新設計-以平板電腦為例
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Tablet Design for M-learning
作者 葉人萍葉雯玓
頁次 047-068
關鍵字 教學行動載具行動學習使用者共創產品設計Tablet DesignM-learningUsers Co-CreationProduct DesignScopusTHCI
出刊日期 201703


行動學習訴求以學生為學習中心的理念,但教學現場之行動載具,卻多非針對師生需求而設計,導 致行動學習教學服務網絡未臻完善。本研究欲以服務設計思維,提出符合使用者需求的教學行動載具設 計。首先,針對教學行動載具iPad4 之關鍵服務缺口、邀集師生使用者參與共創設計工作坊進行概念發想; 再由本研究據關鍵服務缺口內涵所訂之5 項設計需求,提出含5 項設計需求,且為彙整共創概念所得之3 款教學行動載具設計提案。後由滾雪球、判斷抽樣之方式,請國高中職師生以Google 網路問卷評估設計 效用;本研究根據設計需求擬定8 題設計評估項目及1 題喜好度,均採李克特5 點量表評估:3 款提案均 達成改善關鍵服務缺口之設計目標、具獲得師生喜好的產品特質。且3 款提案於「即時取景之直覺操作 性」、「善用即時交流與查閱軟體」設計表現上,均能提升師生對產品的喜好程度。整體而言,「曲紙 平板」於使用者偏好及多數設計評估項目的表現較優。未來可參考本研究3 款設計提案之洞察,依不同 產品訴求與客群定位,選用符合使用者需求的教學行動載具,進而促使行動學習教學服務網絡的效益最 佳化。


M-learning implements learners’ central notion, but the current mobile tools for education are not designed for users. This may lead to the incomplete service network of M-learning. This study used the perspective of service design to offer proposals for M-learning tools. First, the iPad4’s key service gaps to Co-design concepts for users were integrated to put forward three design proposals for M-learning mobile tools. Users evaluated the design proposals by the Google Form. The results show that all the proposals achieve key service gaps’ design goals and attract users’ preference. All of them can improve users’ preference in the performance of “Taking Pictures Intuitively of Operability” and “Making the Best Use of Software for Interacting and checking progress”. In general, Curved Pad’s performance is the better choice for users’ preference and design assessments. This suggests that different product demands and target groups can refer to these three proposals’ insights to promote an M-learning mobile tool to fulfill users’ requirements in the future. Therefore, the service network for M-learning can have an enhanced effect for users on the M-learning service network.
