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篇名 Seeing the Surreal Alice in Anthony Browne’s Wonderland
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 看見安東尼·布朗恩的超寫實愛麗絲
作者 張期敏
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 AliceAnthony BrowneSurrealJohn Tenniel愛麗絲安東尼·布朗恩超寫實約翰·坦尼爾
出刊日期 201704




Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) is a classic that has been continuously published for more than 150 years. During this time, it creates a wonderland for numerous illustrators, artists, writers, and movie makers. They keep adapting, re-writing, and re-illustrating the work owing to its potential for new comprehensions and interpretations. Among these efforts and devotions, the re-illustrations in different eras provide noteworthy images demonstrating diverse ways to read, visualize, and re-present Carroll’s work. As one of the illustrators after Sir John Tenniel, Anthony Browne uses a distinct style in re-illustrating Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, published in 1988. He presents an accessible Alice with surreal techniques. Being not as abstract and obscure as the volume by Salvador Dali (1969), Browne’s surreal Alice is marked by the vivid images and distinctive colors, and intriguingly transcends the recognizable signifiers. First of all, challenging Tenniel’s iconic illustrations, Browne’s work renders a different way to see Alice’s story by re-interpreting and visualizing Carroll’s text. Except for the surreal images of the heroine, Browne adds some imaginary but text-based images that are not present in Tenniel’s version such as separate body parts, aloof facial expressions and even the image of a crying Alice. Moreover, Browne marks his individual style by alluding to well-known paintings and presenting alternative animal characters. Browne appropriates the noted paintings to bring forth the rich connotations and symbolic meanings deftly echoing the elusive language of Carroll’s text. As for the animal characters, they preserve their animalistic opaqueness eliciting the reader’s/viewer’s different imagination instead of being anthropomorphic. Last but not least, Browne reconfigures Alice as a curious but lonely child corresponding to his consistent concern about contemporary children. Browne’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland makes a wonderland that presents a surreal Alice, sustains his distinct style, and further explores the ideas of animals and childhood as suggested in Carroll’s text.
