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篇名 急診職場暴力的處理與預防
卷期 24:2
並列篇名 Management and prevention of workplace violence in emergency department
作者 張豐圃
頁次 103-114
關鍵字 職業傷害急診室暴力醫療法occupational Injuryworkplace violenceemergency departmentmedical care lawTSCI
出刊日期 201704




Workplace violence(WPV) in emergency department(ED) is a serious issue that anyone working in emergency department could confront anytime. The experiences of violence not only leave permanent damage to medical staffs both physically and mentally, but also delay the rescue of seriously ill patients, causing irreversible mortality and morbidity to them. Discussing the effect of violence on emergency department and the healthcare system by epidemiology, we can find out that the prevalence of verbal and physical attack on ED doctors on 2006 was 89% and 37%. Compared with the prevalence on 2014 which was 92% and 31.7%, we can conclude that the prevalence of violence in ED did not decrease at all in spite of the progress of socioeconomic development and progress. Similar data could also be found in studies on nurses and other countries. This article discusses the causes of WPV in emergency department through the aspect of environment, patient, and medical staff, and provides a reference of future response to workplace violence in emergency department. Although the prevalence rises year by year, it is not possible to prevent violence in emergency department from happening. We listed several characteristics associated with violent behavior so that ED staff can be aware in advance and take possible prevention. We also discuss the 3 escalating phases of violent behavior: anxiety, defensive behavior, and physical aggression. Each phase has its own clues, and it is often possible to diffuse a situation with an appropriate response to the person exhibiting anxious or defensive behavior before physical violence occurs. If the hospitals and administration can pay attention to the issue of ED violence by enhancing the ED environment, equipment, and educational training, combined with the legislative amendment of medical care lawsand the cooperation of law enforcement authorities, we will be able to build a reassuring ED workplace. And the goal of zero tolerance for ED violence can be achieved in the future.
