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篇名 國民中學導師實施差異化教學與班級經營效能關係之研究:以臺中市為例
卷期 10:4
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationship between Differentiated Instruction and Classroom Management Effectiveness Perceived by Junior High School Teachers in Taichung City
作者 王錫堆林耀榮林國楨
頁次 031-055
關鍵字 國民中學導師差異化教學班級經營效能junior high school teachersdifferentiated instructionclassroom management effectiveness
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.6618/HSSRP.2016.10(4)2


本研究旨在探討臺中市國民中學導師實施差異化教學與班級經營效能之現 況、導師不同背景變項下兩者知覺差異情形、實施差異化教學與班級經營效能之 間的相關性、實施差異化教學對班級經營效能的預測力等。本研究以臺中市公立 國民中學導師為研究對象,採用問卷調查法蒐集研究資料,並運用描述性統計、 獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、逐步多元迴歸等統計 方法進行資料分析。本研究結果發現導師對於實施差異化教學和班級經營效能的 知覺均屬於中高程度,而不同任教科目的導師所知覺的實施差異化教學有顯著差 異,不同擔任導師年資和學校地區的導師所知覺的班級經營效能亦有顯著差異。 就相關性部分,實施差異化教學與班級經營效能具備顯著正相關,並實施差異化 教學對班級經營效能具備顯著的預測力。


This study aimed to explore the relationship between differentiated instruction and classroom management effectiveness perceived by junior high school teachers in Taichung City. The method of questionnaire survey was adopted to collect data. The researchers utilized descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression to analyze the data collected. The findings of this study were that a) teachers’ perception of differentiated instruction and classroom management effectiveness was moderately high degrees, b) there were significant differences in the perceptions of differentiated instruction from teachers teaching different subjects, c) there were significant differences in the perceptions of classroom management effectiveness from teachers who had different years of service and from teachers whose schools were located in different areas, d) there was a significant positive correlation between differentiated instruction and classroom management effectiveness, and e) there was a significant prediction in differentiated instruction on classroom management effectiveness.
