
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 The Teleoperation System of Service Robot Based on Cloud Services
卷期 28:2
作者 Li, JingqiangZhang, Lei
頁次 231-245
關鍵字 cloud servicescontrol systemInternetrobotteleoperationEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201704
DOI 10.3966/199115592017042802019



At present, China has become the world’s manufacturing powerhouse, but not a manufacturing power. The rapidly aging population, labor costs increasing year by year and economic restructuring and adjustment of advances in technology provided a wide range of power for the development of robot technology. China has become the world’s largest market for industrial robots for two consecutive years and will become the world’s largest robot market. Meanwhile, China introduced a number of policies to support the development of robot technology. “Internet +” provided a new model of development for the robot intelligence, integration and serviceoriented. In this paper, we study on teleoperation control system of service robot whose aim is to develop “operator-mobile Internet-robots–environment” cloud robotics systems. The system uses a master-slave teleoperation mode, so that the robot is under the distal end of network operator real-time control. Divided into three parts: Main operator terminal is the multi-mode control terminal; Stereoscopic capture system use Microsoft Kinect equipment for the body to complete the data collection, analysis, and sends each joint angle of the robot end, driving the robot to move jobs; Computer-based software client control system has achieved control of the mobile platform. Use a network server deployed in the cloud to complete the multi-transmission system tasks and decision-making data and it has now achieved data transmission. The end of the multiterminal configuration to perform the robot includes the independent design and processing inspection robots, integrated mechanical properties Mecanum wheel full mobility; In the autonomous navigation operations to improve service, we build a versatile and full range of cloud services teleoperation control system.

