
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 大學新生心理健康影響因素的性別差異
卷期 23
並列篇名 Gender Differences in Factors Affecting Mental Health of College Freshmen
作者 許崇憲
頁次 045-080
關鍵字 大學新生心理健康性別差異college freshmangender differencemental healthTSSCI
出刊日期 200803


本文旨在探討大學新生心理健康與影響因素的性別差異,以台灣高等教 育資料庫94年大一新生填答結果為材料,分析樣本為16,198位技職體系新生 與20,299位一般大學體系新生。各變項有多道測量題目,作者進行因素分析 之後,取因素分數的相關係數矩陣,以LISREL進行迴歸分析。結果顯示女性 比男性表現較多的負面心理生理反應,男性比女性表現較多的社交問題。高 中(職)學科成績、低層次電腦能力、及親子關係愈佳,男女新生的心理健 康問題愈少;男女新生於高中階段具有閱讀嚴肅書籍的習慣,或者校系選擇 受家庭影響較深,則進入大學後有較多的心理健康問題。高中(職)教師的 教學方式、閱讀報紙雜誌與休閒書籍的習慣、是否與家人同住等變項的影響 力具有性別差異。最後指出本研究的限制,並為未來研究方向與實務作法提 出若干建議。


This study aimed to explore the gender differences in mental health of college freshman and the factors affecting it. The sample consisted of 16,198 freshmen from Technological and 20,299 from General Universities. Correlation analysis was performed on the basis of factor scores, and regression analysis was conducted by means of LISREL. It was found that female freshmen showed more psycho-physiological problems than males, and that male freshmen showed more problems related to social contact than females. Academic performance in senior high school, low-level competency in computer use, and parent-child relationships contributed positively to freshman mental health. The impact of family on major decisions predicted freshman mental health negatively. The following variables affected freshman mental health related to genders: teaching methods adopted by senior high school teachers, habits of reading newspaper and magazines, and living with family. Finally, counseling practices and further research were suggested.
