
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 童年開始的重複夢境分析之研究
卷期 24
並列篇名 A Study of Recurrent Dreams from Childhood
作者 張治遙吳秀碧程小蘋
頁次 001-031
關鍵字 Hill釋夢模式兒童重複夢境解夢夢的解析認知體驗釋夢模式釋夢childcognitive-experiential dream modeldreamdream analysisdream interpretationHill’s dream modelrecurrent dreamsTSSCI
出刊日期 200809


本研究旨在瞭解童年開始的重複夢境之意義。研究者採質性研究方法, 以釋夢晤談蒐集資料^釋夢取向採取Clara E. Hill認知一體驗釋夢模式,共蒐 集五位大學生九個童年開始的重複夢境。研究發現:(1)若同一位做夢者在 童年有不只一個的重複夢境時,不同重複夢境主要均反映相似的議題,彼此 之間有很高的關聯性。(2)童年開始的重複夢境之意義,主要反映生命早期 的創傷性經驗,這個創傷性經驗主要與父母的不安全依附關係或分離焦慮有 關。此外,童年開始的重複夢境約可分為二類,如果夢境持續時間較為短暫, 多半在一、二年内結束,重複夢境主要是反映特定的創傷事件,較不是長期 性、持續性的創傷經驗;如果夢境持續時間較為長久,多半從兒童階段持續 到大學階段,重複夢境主要是反映早期與父母長期互動下的創傷性經驗與感 受。


The purpose of this study was to understand the meaning of recurrent dreams from childhood. The research gathered information by interviewing five undergraduate students with nine recurrent dreams from their childhood. The interpretation of the data and analysis of the dreams were based on Clara E. HilPs cognitive-experiential dream model. Qualitative research methodology was applied to process and analyze these data. The research findings were: (1) If a person had more than one recurrent dreams during childhood, the different recurrent dreams were highly correlated and mostly reflected similar issues. (2) Recurrent dreams that occurred during kindergarten and elementary school years mostly reflected traumatic experiences with parents in early years of life as the result of insecure attachment or separation anxiety. In general, recurrent dreams from childhood can be divided into two main categories. First, recurrent dreams that only lasted within a short period of one9s life and that first occurred during kindergarten and elementary school years, mostly reflecting specific traumatic events. Second, recurrent dreams that first appeared during kindergarten and elementary school years and throughout the college years and persisted in the long-term, then, mostly reflecting early unresolved traumatic experiences with parents.
