
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 諮商心理師執業現況調查研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 Practice Survey of Counseling Psychologists in Taiwan
作者 林家興謝昀蓁孫正大
頁次 117-145
關鍵字 心理師法執業調查諮商心理師counseling psychologistpractice surveypsychologist licensure actTSSCI
出刊日期 200803


本研究的目的是在調查諮商心理師的執業現況,作為檢討諮商心理師執 業現況與困境的參考。研究問題包括:諮商心理師在哪裡執業、收費標準是 多少、個案從哪裡來、採用何種諮商理論取向、從事哪些服務項目、有何生 涯規劃,以及對於心理師人力是否足夠的看法等。研究工具為自編的「諮商 心理師執業現況問卷」,以全體諮商心理師為問卷調查對象,回收有效問卷共 計218份。研究結果顯示:1.估計國内約有460名專職執業諮商心理師及85 名兼職執業諮商心理師,女性為男性的3.7倍;2.有78.9%的諮商心理師以學 校為主要執業場所;3.諮商心理師的服務對象中,成人佔61.67%,兒童音少 年佔37.03%,絕大多數的個案需要藉由機構安排;4.諮商心理師認為每次心 理諮商的合理收費標準約為1,400元;5•諮商心理師平均每週工作35.86小時, 其中花在實務工作有10.99小時,行政工作為11.11小時,教學工作7.55小時, 研究工作為3.86小時,以及其他工作2.35小時;6.超過八成的諮商心理師期 盼在未來五年内能在機構執業;7.大多數的諮商心理師認為台灣現有的諮商心 理師人數嚴重不足或有點不足。最後,本研究除了討論研究結果的含意,並 對諮商心理師、衛生主管機關以及未來研究提出建議。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the current practice patterns and difficulties of counseling psychologists in Taiwan. The research questions include practice locations, fee schedule, sources of referral, theoretical orientations, professional activities, working hour allocation, career planning, and manpower needs. Two hundreds and eighteen licensed counseling psychologists completed a questionnaire regarding their professional practice. The results of the study indicate that: (a) Gender ratio between female and male counseling psychologists is 3.7:1; (b) Out of 218 counseling psychologists, 78.9% of them work primarily in school settings; (c) Counseling psychologists served mostly adults (61.67%) with the second group being child/adolescents (37.03%); and very few elderly (1.30%) ; (d) The reasonable fee schedule for counseling and psychotherapy for a 45-60 minutes session is NT$ 1,400 according the respondents; (e) The mean work hours a week for the respondents is 35.86; including direct service (10.99 hours), administrative (11.11 hours), teaching (7.55 hours), research (3.86 hours), and others (2.35 hours); (f) More than eighty percent of the respondents wish to work full-time or part-time in professional organizations; and (g) Majority of the respondents believe there is a manpower shortage of counseling psychologists in Taiwan. Discussion of the research findings and suggestions for policy implications and future research are presented in this paper.
