
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 國小導師與學生關係分類指標之建構—以儒家關係主義理論為基礎
卷期 24
並列篇名 The Development of The Chinese Teacher-Student Relationship Scale Based on Confucian Relationalism
作者 杜永泰洪莉竹
頁次 071-106
關鍵字 人情師生關係結構方程模式關係SEMteacher-student relationshipquanxizen-chingTSSCI
出刊日期 200809


本研究旨在參照儒家關係主義的理論,發展符合本土文化環境的師生關 係指標。本量表共14題,以1,039位國小六年級學生為樣本,所進行之驗證 性因素分析顯示:本量表之因素結搆以二因素斜交模式表現最佳,所測之師 生關係内涵可分為「尊敬」與「親近」兩成份,其中,「尊敬」因素為本土文 化環境的特色,而「親近」因素符合西方師生關係的研究,屬於普世的因素。 本研究實徵所得之「尊敬」與「親近」兩因素,能符應中庸所指稱的「尊尊」、 「親親」原則,或人情構念所指稱的「應有之情」與「真有之情」。本研究依 量表分數可將個別學生與教師的關係類比為「親情」、「恩情」、「友情」或「交 易」關係。由於題數少,適合和其他測量工具一起使用,以進行不同變項間 之相關研究,加上量表發展過程周密,信效度證據充份,值得做為後續本土 教育研究的參考。


Based on ideas stemming from Confucian relationalism, this study developed a scale examining teacher-student relationship in Chinese society. The scale contains 14 items. CFA (confirmatory factor analysis) of the questionnaires from 1,039 samples of 6th graders indicates: The correlated 2-factor-model is the best model representing the teacher-student relationship in Chinese society. The contents of teacher-student relationship are composed of “closeness” and “respect”. “Closeness” is a universal factor, whereas “respect” is specific to the Chinese culture. This empirical study verified the theories about Confucian relationalism and the deep structure of the Chinese culture. According to the scores, the teacher-student relationship of different teacher-student pairs can be paralleled with the relationships regarding family, gratitude, friendship, or business. This study provided a scale with sufficient evidence of reliability and validity for future research in education.
