
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 以提升課業任務價值為導向之課業學習諮商之當事人任務分析—以高中學生學習英文科為例
卷期 25
並列篇名 Task Analysis of Counseling on Raising Clients9 Achievement Task Value: Example from English as a Foreign Language Learning
作者 羅幼瓊林清文
頁次 081-130
關鍵字 任務分析課業任務價值諮商模式學習諮商achievement task valuetask analysislearning counselingcounseling modelTSSCI
出刊日期 200903


本研究期望瞭解當事人在課業學習諮商中如何因各項任務之表現而提高 其課業任務價值。共有13名高中英文課業任務價值低落者參與本研究,其中 十名表現終點行為,三名未表現終點行為。資料分析方法先以開放性編碼形 成編碼架構,再以編碼架構進行編碼,最後以編碼結果撰寫資料分析與報告。 當事人之起點行為為課業任務價值及學習動力低落,可從其初次晤談時之口 語陳述及填寫課業價值檢核表與報名表時對課業價值之文字陳述而發現。在 諮商前期,諮商之議題及當事人之表現為對課業之無助感,對改變的承諾, 歸因的鬆動,與當事人對自己低課業價值與低學習動力之關聯及低練習與低 成就之覺察。諮商中期之議題首先為當事人探索成功經驗,產生重新處理課 業的動力,其次,以當事人對家庭作業之抗拒與遲滯為媒材,諮商員提供指 導,並協助當事人進行各項學習策略之自我調整,於是當事人能夠提高自我 效能,因而當事人對於課業任務的代價評估降低。諮商後期的議題為當事人 提出更具體之未來生涯願景,重新評估英文課業的重要性與效用性價值,而 認為這兩項價值已經提高;此時,當事人較可知覺情境樂趣,其興趣價值已 提升。當事人終點行為之辨識為課業任務價值提升,學習動力提高,以及能 採取自發而主動之學習行為。


This study used task analysis to explore the components that clients need in order to raise their achievement task value. Thirteen high school students participated in this research. Ten out of them performed solution behavior, and three did not. A coding system was constructed with open coding to code the counseling transcripts. The initial behavior of the clients in this research was characterized by low achievement task value expressed either orally or in writing. The issues in the initial stage were as follows: (1) clients felt helpless toward English; (2) clients need to be committed to change; (3) clients need to re-attribute school failure from outside reason to inside reason; (4) finally, clients get insights to understand the influence of their low achievement value on their learning motivation. The issues in the middle counseling stage included: (1) clients explore their successful experience to regain enthusiasm to deal with their school achievement task again; (2) clients? resistance was used as a subject to discuss possible difficulties, and counselors could provide guidance for clients to develop self-regulated learning strategies; (3) clients then could develop better self-efficacy and they believed the cost of doing well in English was not high. Then, their achievement task value was raised. The issues in the final stage were: (1) clients would declare their future career or life goals; (2) clients might reevaluate the importance and utilities of English task value and agreed that both values were raised. The resulting behaviors of this research were identified by the elevation of students9 achievement task value and learning motivation and the presentation of self-directed learning behaviors.
