
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 高中職輔導教師知覺角色壓力、工作滿意度和專業承諾之關係研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 The Relation of Perceived Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Professional Commitment inSenior High and Vocational School Counselors
作者 劉福鎮林清文
頁次 213-248
關鍵字 工作滿意角色壓力區別分析專業承諾集群分析cluster analysisdiscriminant analysisjob satisfactionjob stressprofessional commitmentTSSCI
出刊日期 200803


本研究旨在探討高中職輔導教師知覺角色壓力、工作滿意度和專業承諾 的分布差異,研究者以598位高中職輔導教師為對象,分別施以「高中職輔 導教師專業承諾量表」、「高中職輔導教師角色壓力量表」與「高中職輔導教 師工作滿意量表」,並分別以集群分析與區別分析方式進行資料處理。 本研究結果如下: 一、 以「專業認同」、「專業投入」、「工作愉悦」、「研究進修」、「留業傾向」、 「專業倫理」、「角色壓力」與「工作滿意」等八個變項,經由集群分析 將高中職輔導教師分成四個集群,分別為「得過且過」型、「積極投入」 型、「無心無力」型與「按部就班」型。 二、 「專業認同」、「專業投入」、「工作愉悦」、「研究進修」、「留業傾向」、「專 業倫理」、「角色壓力」以及「工作滿意」八個區分變項中,經由區別分 析可以將之重新組合命名,以「熱衷歡愉」與「獨善其身」二個新變項 可以有效區別上述四組的輔導教師。 本研究根據研究結果提出數項具體建議,供教育機構與輔導教師參考。


Previous studies indicated a positive relationship between job satisfaction and professional commitment in school teachers. This study investigates the relation between perceived job stress, job satisfaction, and professional commitment of senior high and vocational school counselors. Data were obtained from a group of 598 senior high and vocational school counselors and analyzed by means of cluster and discriminant analyses. The results can be summarized as follows: a. Through cluster analysis of the eight resulting variables (professional identification, professional engagement, working pleasure, educational continuation, retaining trend, professional ethics, job stress, and job satisfaction), the senior high and vocational school counselors wrer divided into four subgroups: the “simply getting by’’,the “positively involved’’,the “absent- minded and incapable”,and the “step-by-step”. b. Through discriminant analysis of the eight variables mentioned, two new variables can be regrouped as the “enthusiastically pleased” and the “self-moral-uplift”. These two new variables can validly differentiate four clusters of school counselors. Based upon the findings rendered, this study proposes several suggestions for educational institutions and counselors.
