
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 看不見的愛情:初探台灣女同志伴侶親密關係的發展歷程
卷期 24
並列篇名 The Invisible Love: A Preliminary Study of the Development of Relationships for Lesbian Couples in Taiwan
作者 謝文宜
頁次 181-214
關鍵字 女同志伴侶同志伴侶關係承諾關係發展關係維持commitmentlesbian couplesrelationship developmentrelationship maintenancesame-sex couple relationshipTSSCI
出刊日期 200809


本文透過10對固定交往一年以上的女同志伴侣深入訪談資料,進一步從 相識、相熟、到伴侣關係經營與維持三階段,探討女女之間親密關係建立的 可能性,彰顯出女同志伴侣親密關係發展的動態歷程,及其伴侣關係經營的 特殊性(包括:呈現若隱若現、純粹而黏腻的伴侣關係、多元彈性的性別角色)。 本研究發現可從女同志與異性戀者伴侣關係的相似與相異之處來進行說明: 一、 相似之處:女同志在伴侣關係發展三階段與異性戀婚姻市場中社會 交換論的投資模型無異,即便面對兩人不同生命週期的差異,亦努 力學習接納對方,磨合出兩人互動的溝通模式。 二、 相異之處:礙於一般日常生活的杜會規範排除了非異性戀伴侣關係, 女同志關係發展相識階段,便面臨不知如何進行表白的不安與掙 扎,其若隱若現的伴侣關係經營,更加深彼此的不安全感。同時, 亦因為高度的期待,引發對於關係高度的注意與緊張,呈顯出女同 志純粹且黏膩的伴侣關係,以及追求平等關係的氛圍,共創角色扮 演的彈性協調,作為雙方對抗外界的反應。


Ten lesbian couples who have been together for more than a year were interviewed in the present study. The data explored three stages they went through while building their intimate relationships: awareness, initial contact, and relationship maintenance. The results highlighted the dynamic process of the development of lesbian couple relationship, and the uniqueness of such relationship (including its lack of clarity, its purity and enmeshment, and its flexibility regarding gender roles). The study also discusses the similarities and differences between lesbian couple relationships and heterosexual couple relationships. 1. Similarities: The three stages of lesbian couple relationship development is similar to that of the social exchange investment model that heterosexual couples go through. Even when facing differences in their life cycles, they still try hard to learn to accept each other and to build their own communication pattern. 2. Differences • Due to the exclusion of non-heterosexual couple relationship from societal norms, lesbians have to face uncertainty and struggle in attempting to express their interests in the other persons at the awareness stage. This half hidden couple relationship created more insecurity for both partners. At the same time, due to high expectations, the tension in the relationship was elevated. This, while it makes the relationship appear purer, creates more enmeshment. Finally and in order to resist the reaction from unfriendly environments, they also tend to pursue a relationship with more equality and role flexibility.
