
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 台灣諮商人員諮商關係建構經驗之分析研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 Construction Experiences of Counseling Relationship from Taiwanese Counselors
作者 許雅惠
頁次 085-119
關鍵字 台灣諮商人員諮商關係counseling relationshipTaiwanese counselorsTSSCI
出刊日期 200909


本研究旨在探討台灣諮商人員諮商關係建構經驗。本研究以七位於學 校、社區機構,與醫院工作之諮商心理師為研究參與者。採半結構式訪談為 資料收集方式,並將收集之資料進行開放編碼分析。本研究發現:(1)諮商 關係之内涵包含自在開放的晤談氣氛、雙方主動積極的投入,與厚實的信任 基礎;不同諮商階段諮商師知覺之良好諮商關係指標有所差異。(2)本研究 發現諮商師在建構諮商關係經驗之文化衝擊,包含在諮商目標之協商訂定、 諮商晤談架構之建立、諮商互動過程之語言、諮商關係界限之劃定、諮商師 之角色定位。而其轉化的思維包含仍以所學之西方諮商理論出發,而對於案 主之狀況多加覺察與同理,以及採取本土文化關係建構的觀點加以調整。


The purpose of this study was to explore Taiwanese counselors9 construction experiences of their counseling relationship. Semi-structure interviews were collected from seven counselors working at school, community, and hospital. Through open coding method of data analysis, the main findings of this study were as follows. (1) The essential content of counseling relationship includes a free and open expression atmosphere, active involvement of both counselor and client, and a solid base of trust relationship. In addition, differences can be found in the indicators of a good counseling relationship that counselors perceived during different counseling stages. (2) Cultural shock that counselors perceived in their construction experiences of counseling relationship includes setting of goals, structure, language interactions, boundaries, and counselor roles in counseling relationship. The transformation of the counselors’ concepts of counseling relationship is still based on the Western counseling theory. However, they would adjust aboriginal cultural perspectives according to their awareness and empathy for the clients.
