
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 暴力的童年、堅韌的青年:目睹婚暴暨受虐青年復原力之探討
卷期 27
並列篇名 The Resilience of Young Adults Experiencing Inter-Parental Marital Violence and Child Maltreatment
作者 沈瓊桃
頁次 115-160
關鍵字 兒童虐待婚姻暴力復原力child abusemarital violenceresilienceTSSCI
出刊日期 201003


研究目的:本文立基於復原力觀點,從音年自身的角度,檢視青年如何 扭轉父母婚暴與兒虐雙重暴力傷害的生命逆境。研究方法:本研究採用立意 抽樣法,運用半結構式的訪談大綱,深入訪談六位在兒少時期曾遭受雙重暴 力的青年。受訪者來源以應徵研究對象招募廣告為主。研究結果:研究結果 以六位受訪者的個人經歷與觀點為主軸,呈現每個人走過逆境的獨特力量與 生命故事。不管是透過個人長期的奮鬥、重要他人的支持、或是社會資源的 運用,這六位受訪者皆陳述了繫助他們從暴力傷害中復原的多重力量,顯示 雙重受暴青年需要多重的保護力量與正向經驗,才能扭轉生命劣勢。比較獨 特的研究發現是,擁有脫離暴力環境的決心、努力,和機會,是多數受訪者 可以扭轉目睹婚暴和受虐雙重生命逆境的關鍵因素。研究結論:因應雙重家 庭暴力的衝擊與傷害是一種長期抗戰的過程,因此,除了目睹或受虐兒童需 要即時的處遇之外,曾目睹暨受虐的青年亦是需要關切協助的對象。處遇策 略可以多管齊下,以增強青年的自我内在力量、重要他人的支持、以及脫離 暴力環境等保護力量為目標。


Based on the concept of resilience, this study aimed to understand the process through which young adults overcame the adversity of experiencing both parental marital violence and child maltreatment during childhood. Qualitative method and semi-structured guidelines were employed to interview six young adults. Research participants were aged between 22 and 27 years old. They were recruited mainly by advertisements posted in BBS in 2005. Research results indicated that most participants experienced parental marital violence and child maltreatment since early age. Their life stories are presented to show their unique strengths that enabled them to overcome this adversity. Several themes emerged from the research results, including positive self-concept and positive thinking, self-awareness and knowledge how to handle feelings, support from significant others, de-termination, effort, and the opportunity to leave violent homes. The interaction of these multiple protective systems helped the research participants cope with the dual-violence’s impact and overcome these disadvantaging experiences. The need for interventions addressed at young adults experiencing dual violence during childhood was highlighted in this study.
