
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 父母考試態度與焦慮對國中子女考試焦慮與學習被動性之影響
卷期 27
並列篇名 The Association of Parental Attitudes towards Tests and Test Anxiety with Junior High School Adolescents9 Test Anxiety and Learning Passivity
作者 陳婉真梅淑鶯吳佳恬
頁次 285-328
關鍵字 父母考試焦慮父母考試態度國中學生學習被動性junior high school studentslearning passivityparental test anxietyparental test attitudesTSSCI
出刊日期 201003


本研究的主要目的在於編製父母考試態度量表與父母考試焦慮量表,並 初步探討父母對子女考試的態度與焦慮程度對於國中子女考試焦慮與學習被 動性的影響。本研究先深入訪談七位國中學生家長,依據訪談資料進行内容 分析編製量表,量表題目編寫完成後,係使用該發展的量表為工具,以550 組國中學生及其家長為樣本,進行信效度的考驗。為了準確測量考試對國中 學生與其家長的影響,施測時間為最末一次段考前一週,國中家長填寫父母 考試態度量表與父母考試焦慮量表,國中子女填寫試前準備期焦慮量表與學 習被動性量表。研究結果發現,「父母考試態度量表」可分為「重視學業成績j 與「喜歡社會比較」兩因素,「父母考試焦慮量表」則為單一「父母考試焦慮」 因素,此三個因素所構成的分量表均具有良好的信度。在效度方面,國中父 母在「重視學業成績」與「喜歡社會比較」的得分與其在「父母考試焦慮j 的得分有顯著的正相關;國中父母在「重視學業成績」、「喜歡社會比較」以 及「父母考試焦慮」的得分與其子女試前情緒性的得分有顯著的正相關,但 與子女在試前憂慮、學習被動性量表的得分無顯著相關。最後,本研究所建 構的「父母考試態度與焦慮影響子女學習」模式與觀察資料的適配度相當理 想。


The main goal of this study was to develop scales measuring parental attitudes towards tests (exams) and parental test anxiety, and to explore the impact on their adolescent children^9 test anxiety and learning passivity. The author developed the Parental Test Attitudes Scale and the Parental Test Anxiety Scale based on seven junior high school students9 parents’ in-depth interviews. After revision from pretest, 550 pairs of junior high school students and their parents were used to test the reliability and validity of these scales. In order to precisely measure the parents’ attitudes and anxiety level on their children’s’ exam, each participant answered the questionnaire on the week prior to the final exam. Parents completed the Parental Test Attitudes Scale and the Parental Test Anxiety Scale; Adolescents completed the Exam Preparation Anxiety Scale and the Learning Passivity Scale. The findings suggested that the Parental Test Attitudes Scale included two factors, emphasis on academic score and tendency to social comparison, and the Parental Test Anxiety Scale included one factor, parental test anxiety; the Parental Test Attitudes Scale and the Parental Test Anxiety Scale demonstrated good reliability estimates. In terms of validity of the scales, the Parental Test Attitudes Scale and the Parental Test Anxiety Scale were significantly correlated to their adolescents, pretest emotionality, but they were not significantly correlated to pretest worry and learning passivity. Furthermore, the fitness between the uParental Test Attitude and Parental Test Anxiety Moder9 and observed data was satisfactory. Implications for educational guidance and future studies were discussed accordingly.
