
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 建立初入安置機構兒童之定向遊戲治療工作模式
卷期 48
並列篇名 Development of an Orientation Play Therapy Model for Newcomers in the Residential Child Care Institutions
作者 蔡群瑞高淑貞
頁次 037-070
關鍵字 初入安置機構兒童定向遊戲治療工作模式定向輔導結構遊戲治療newcomers in the residential child care institutionsorientation play therapy modelorientationstructured play therapyTSSCI
出刊日期 201704
DOI 10.3966/172851862017040048002




Based on Structured play therapy, this study aimed to utilize an action research approach to establish an Orientation Play Therapy Model (OPTM) for faciliting positive adjustment of newcomers in their initial transition period to residential child-care institutions. The author of this manuscript integrated her practical experience, discussion with experts and peer researchers, and related literature in designing an original orientation structured play project. The structure and contents of the OPTM were developed through three stages. Six groups of participants were involved. Each group was composed of a play therapist, a newcomer, and at least one child caretaker. The OPTM was established after consultations with the residential child care institutions and play therapy experts. The findings showed that OPTM includes introduction, structure implementation, theme and contents of project, practicing notes, and a handbook of orientation structured play project. Implications and suggestion were provided at the end.
