
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 雙生涯女性優勢中心生涯適應諮商模式之建構研究
卷期 29
並列篇名 The Construction of a Strength-centered Career Adjustment Model for Counseling Dual-career Women
作者 王玉珍田秀蘭吳麗琴
頁次 001-035
關鍵字 生涯適應生涯諮商任務分析雙生涯女性優勢中心取向career adjustmentcareer counselingdual-career womenstrength-centered counselingTSSCI
出刊日期 201104


本研究目的在建構雙生涯女性優勢中心生涯適應諮商模式。研究對象為10 名雙生獲女性,年齡介於 28 至47 歲(平均年鹼-4 38 . 8 歲) 。由第一位研究者擔任心理師角色,對參與者進行6 到8 次諮商, 期闖進行1-2 ;欠的人際歷程訪援國學解諮商經驗。本研究係以任務分析方法建構諮商模式,資料蒐集 方法是個別諮商典人際歷程訪談,所得逐字編資料以發現取向質性方法進行分析。結果歸納出正向 情彪、適應力、夢想目標等13 項優勢力量,立t建構出包含四大巨集、十大段落及二十九個細項的諮 商模式。四大巨集為探索評估、深化覺察、改變以及行動等巨集。十大段落分別為: ( 1 )諮商的開強; (2 )陳述困擾問題; (3 )探索、評估、認識成長經驗與現在生活角色的內涵與影響; (4) 洞察自義 內在價值與需求,統整正負向經驗; (5) 覺察型塑社會文化與性別經驗的內渴; (6) 覺察角色間銜 突與既有因應方式; (7) 優勢的萃取和應用; (8) 重新架構; (9) 創意與創造;以及(10) 行動等 段落。根據結果提出組型結構與諮商流程圈。最後依據結果進行討曲曲,益提出建議以供未來研究與 實務工作者參考。


The purpose of the study is to construct a strength-centered career adjustment model for counseling dualcareer women. The study adopted the task analysis approach in which participants received six to eight counseling sessions. Participants of this study included ten dual-career women, aged between 28 to 47 years old (M = 38.8). The interview transcripts were analyzed qualitatively using discovery- oriented psychotherapy. Based on the analyses, a model containing four theme categories and ten themes were constructed. The strength-centered counseling protocol for dual-career women was then proposed. The four theme categories include Exploration/ Assessment, Insight, Change, and Action. The model consists of ten stages: (I )defining the problem; (2)stating the problem, including causes and contexts; (3)exploring, assessing and understanding the content and influences of an individual's life experiences and current roles in life; ( 4)bringing insights into her intrinsic values and needs, and integrating both positive and negative experiences; (5)perceiving the content of social, culture, and gender experiences; (6)being aware of the conflicts between different roles and coping strategies; (?)knowing, creating and expanding one's own strengths; (8)reframing; (9)creativeness and creating, specifically making plans, practicing exercises, connecting diverse strengths and creating an integrated and balanced prospect; and (1 O)taking actions. The results demonstrate thirteen strengths, such as positive emotion, good adjustment, dream/ goal, etc. The findings in this research are discussed, and the implications and recommendations for practice and future study are also provided.
