
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 影響未婚受暴女性關係抉擇之因素
卷期 29
並列篇名 Factors Influencing Unmarried Battered Women's Decision-Making of Intimate Relationship Development
作者 楊嘉玲趙淑珠
頁次 037-070
關鍵字 未婚受暴女性伴侶暴力抉擇因素關係慣性intimate partner violencethe influencing factor of decision-makingrelationship inertiaunmarried battered femalesTSSCI
出刊日期 201104


有鑑於國内對於未婚受暴女性主題上的缺乏,研究者希望藉此研究瞭解影響未婚受暴女性關係抉擇 的因素與内涵。研究者以半結構深度訪談方法,訪談四位曾經驗或正處於暴力關係的未婚女性,並 採用質性研究方法進行資料的分析與探究。研究發現影響受訪者抉擇的因素相當多,但其中以「關 係慣性」與「性關係」兩者,佔有相當大的比重。值得一提的是,研究發現透過時間的催化與因素 間的交互作用,受訪者與施暴男友會共構出許多不對等的互動規則,並逐漸累積成一種「關係慣 性」,是奠基於兩人的互動序列與反應模式所形成的動力,使關係對彼此產生影響,進而促發受訪者 對關係的依賴感和需求性;且具有動態性,會隨著交往時間增加,使受訪者對改變產生強烈的不適 應感或恐懼,以致於受訪者難以離開暴力關係。


For approximately two decades, clinicians and researchers have recognized the presence of intimate partner violence(IPV) in the lives of women in Taiwan. These studies, however, focused primarily on the experience of married women in abusive relationships. On the other hand, the lack of consideration of and attention to unmarried women involved in intimate violent relationships has been noted. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to fill in the gap that explores unmarried women involved in intimate violent relationships. What factors have affected unmarried battered women in their decision-making? Semi-constructive and in-depth interviews were conducted with four unmarried women. A qualitative research approach was adopted to analyze the data. A variety of factors on the decision to terminate an abusive relationship were identified. Among these factors, relationship inertia and sexual relationship were the most prominent. One worthy note to mention is that unmarried battered women and their partners together constructed many unequal interactive rules, which gradually accumulated into a kind of "relationship inertia." This "relationship inertia" would result in unmarried battered women's lack of courage to change an intimate relationship or to terminate a violent relationship.
