
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 女同志向家人現身歷程之敘說研究
卷期 29
並列篇名 The Narrative Research on Coming Out Process of The Lesbians to Their Family
作者 莊瑞君陳慶福劉安真
頁次 071-104
關鍵字 女同志女同性戀出櫃家人現身歷程coming out processdisclosurefamilylesbianTSSCI
出刊日期 201104


本研究旨在瞭解女同志向家人現身的歷程,包括女同志現身的考量因素與現身過程的因應方式。本 研究採質性研究之敘說研究取向,及採滾雪球抽樣方式進行取樣,共訪談了九位已在杜會工作、至 少向家庭中一名以上的成貝現身,且自我認同為女同志者。研究者選取及呈現當中三位女同志的生 命故事,其脈絡如下:(1)小光的現身故事:傳統價值觀的包袱讓現身失去對話的空間;(2)小龜 的現身故事:心照不宣的默契,等待現身的時機;(3)小寧的現身故事:追尋母親認同的現身路。 透過三個故事的討論,研究者進一步以不同的家庭角色作為區分來呈現現身歷程的内涵:(1)女同 志向手足現身的歷程:輕鬆、負擔少的現身過程;(2)女同志向母親現身的歷程:掙扎與沈重的現 身過程;(3)女同志不向父親現身的考量因素:互動疏離與承擔風險,降低現身的可能性。最後, 本研究針對研究發現作進一步的討論與建議。


The purpose of this study is to examine the coming out process of lesbians to their family, including lesbians' concerns about coming out and ways to cope with the process. The study adopted narrative qualitative methodology and snow ball sampling. The participants were three self-identified lesbians (ages 26 to 30) who have worked and come out to at least one family member. The authors selected and presented the three participants' life narratives. The findings suggest that the factors that affect lesbians' coming out process include the motivation, the subject, and the timing of the coming out. The coming out process included three types in accordance with family roles: sibling, mother and father. Lesbians felt at ease and more unburdened when coming out to their sibling. They felt more of a struggle and encumbrance for coming out to their mothers. They are less likely to come out to their fathers because the relationship is more distant and it is more risky to come out to fathers .
