
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 諮商滿意量表發展之研究
卷期 29
並列篇名 A Study on the Development of the Counseling Satisfaction Inventory
作者 陳慶福姜淑卿
頁次 105-135
關鍵字 平行分析探索性因素分析幅合效度諮商滿意驗證性因素分析confirmatory factor analysisconvergent validitycounseling satisfactionexploratory factor analysisparallel analysisTSSCI
出刊日期 201104


本研究旨在發展乙份諮商滿意評量工具,評量接受大學或社區機構個別諮商的音年與成年當事人, 對諮商滿意之情形。本研究從台潸北、中、南、東部及外島的大學院校及社區諮商機構進行調査。 預試量表經由平行分析、刪除因素負荷量較低的題項,與刪除在量表兩個因素上交叉負荷值達.15 的題項,最後保留了因素一「催化與正向關係j 14題,因素二「改變與成效」9題。經由主成份分 析(Af = 542),可解釋因素結構變異量為54.25% ;全量表23題的内部一致性Cronbach's alpha係數為 .95 ;以全量表23題、短版10題進行驗證性因素分析,顯示全量表及短版皆具有良好的信度,且大 致能符合驗證性因素分析的整體模式、基本模式與内在品質要求。全量表間隔三週的重測信度為.81 (p < .01),以全量表和工作同盟量表(WAI)進行幅合效度檢驗,顯示兩個量表間呈現中高度顧著 相關(r= .80,p<.01 )。


The purpose of this study was to develop the Counseling Satisfaction Inventory (CSI), a new assessment on clients' satisfaction for clients who are counseled by college counseling centers or community counseling centers. The CSI was analyzed in terms of(a) its factor structure and (b) the reliability ofthe subscales. Parallel analysis (N = 542) revealed two factors : Facilitating & Positive Relationship and Change & Effectiveness, which accounted for 54.25% of the total variance. Internal consistency of the scales was determined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was .95 for the total 23-item inventory. Reliability estimate of the two subscales were .92 and .91. The test-retest coefficient of CSI over a 3-week period was .81 (N = 54). The obtained data were also analyzed by structural equation modeling. The 1 0-item short form of CSI had better fit indices than that of the 23-item full inventory. The findings also suggested that clients who were counseled by college counseling centers were much more satisfied than the clients who received counseling from community counseling centers. Implications for using the CSI and recommendations for further development were discussed.
