
東華漢學 THCI

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篇名 由「校勘」到「生成論」——有關宋代詩文集的註釋特別是蘇黃詩註中真蹟及石刻的利用
卷期 8
並列篇名 From Revision to Genetical Studies — the use of Autographs and Stone Inscriptions in the footnotes of anthology of Sung Dynasty, especially in the collections of Su Shi and Huang Tingjian
作者 淺見洋二
頁次 001-035
關鍵字 校勘生成論蘇軾黃庭堅真蹟石刻RevisionGenetical StudiesSu ShiHuang TingjianAutographsStone InscriptionsTHCI
出刊日期 200812




In the ancient China, footnotes were only marked in Chu Chi and Zhao Ming Wen Xuan these kinds of collected works. When it came to Sung Dynasty, people started to add footnotes to personal collections. Not only in the collections of scholars before Sung like Tao Yuan-Ming, Li Bai, Du Fu, Han Yu, and Liu Zong-Yuan, etc., but also in the contemporary scholars’, like Wang An-Shi, Su Shi, Huang Ting-Jian, Chen Shi-Dao, Chen Yu-Yi, etc.. This essay aims to observe and study the bibliographical and literary features of a series of collections, and especially takes the poetry collections of Su Shi and Huang Ting-jian for example. Furthermore, how scholars of Sung Dynasty disseminated and receired the poetry of their ancestors can be revealed through this revision. Besides, the Genetical Studies mentioned in this essay refers to the research method of studying the original manuscripts (autograph) to discover the process of literary production.
