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篇名 Between Malaya and China—Homeland for the Chinese in Malaysia as Seen from Two Lives
卷期 44:5=516
並列篇名 馬來亞與中國之間——以兩個個案探討馬來亞華人的故鄉
作者 黃子堅陳愛梅
頁次 005-023
關鍵字 HomelandPolitical AllegianceReligionLeong FeeLeong Sin Nam故鄉政治結盟宗教梁碧如梁燊南A&HCI
出刊日期 201705




This paper will examine the lives of two Chinese who were caught in this situation of shifting homeland by maintaining political allegiance to both homelands between 1900-1941. The paper argues that this situation represents a very important phase in the history of the Chinese in Malaysia as the Chinese began to adapt to the idea of a new homeland in Malaya by not only shifting their political allegiance but also transplanting their religious systems to their new homeland. Others, torn between the two homelands, sought to maintain a balance between the two, thus creating a situation in which they operated in the two homelands, each representing a homeland that was either real or imagined.
