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篇名 The Political Orientation of the Malayan Communist Party: Entanglement of its Ethnic and Nationalist Dimensions
卷期 44:5=516
並列篇名 馬共的政治導向:原鄉情結和本土身份認同的糾纏
作者 陳穆紅
頁次 043-065
關鍵字 Malayan Communist PartyNationalismEthnic Identity馬共民族主義族群身份認同A&HCI
出刊日期 201705




This article examines the political orientation of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) as well as the ethnic and political identities of its selected leaders and members who were ethnic Chinese. Till today, the interpretation of the MCP political struggle in the Malaysian history of independence remains contentious. Despite the 1989 Peace Treaty, Chin Peng, the last MCP secretary-general who was a local born ethnic Chinese, was disallowed to return to Malaysia to live with his family. In response, Chin Peng stated that, “It is ironic that we, who fought for our country’s independence and were more than willing to die for it, should now be denied entry and residence to die in our motherland.” Yet some historians dismissed MCP as a “Chinese party” whose loyalty and orientation were influenced by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). MCP itself acknowledged that it started as an “overseas branch” of the CCP. Government history textbooks portrayed the anti-Japanese Occupation campaign by the MCP as a mere extension of the Chinese nationalist response to Sino-Japanese war in 1937. How do these perspectives reconcile with the position of Chin Peng as mentioned above? This article demonstrates that the MCP was by all intent and purposes a Malaya-oriented nationalist party, notwithstanding its predominantly ethnic Chinese membership and the political ambiguity of some of its members.
