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篇名 Science and Religion Dialogue: Need an Asian PerspectiveScience and Religion Dialogue: Need an Asian Perspective
卷期 44:5=516
並列篇名 科學與宗教對話:亞洲觀點的重要性
作者 司馬忠
頁次 141-159
關鍵字 Science and ReligionAsiaComplementarityConflict科學與宗教亞洲觀點互補性衝突A&HCI
出刊日期 201705




Scholarship on interactions between science and religion is dominated by western and Christian perspective. One of the reasons for such a phenomenon is the general impression among scientists and religious followers in the west, of an irreconcilable conflict between science and religion. As modern science goes global, the way Asians deal with science and religious faith becomes an important aspect of science and religion dialogue (SRD). This paper outlines the contributions that Asian religious experience can bring to global SRD. After describing the differences in world view and experiences between East and West, this paper suggests that an Asian perspective of SRD will emphasize on the nature of human person and experience, complementarity of disciplines, mystery dimension of nature and human experience and validity of faith experiences. A better understanding Asian perspective will enrich SRD in 21st century.
