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篇名 論宋代《周禮》學發展的三個階段
卷期 44:5=516
並列篇名 Three Stages of Development of Studies on the Rite and Ritual of Zhou (Zhou Li) in the Song Dynasty
作者 夏微
頁次 161-175
關鍵字 《周禮》學漢學研究方法宋學研究方法王安石The Song DynastyStudies on the Rite And Ritual of ZhouPattern of Research of the Han DynastyPattern of Research of the Song DynastyAnshi WangA&HCI
出刊日期 201705




The studies on the book Rite And Ritual of Zhou(Zhou Li) in the Song Dynasty is a major breakthrough to the counterpart studies done in the Han Dynasty, the former established a new pattern of research with distinct characters and outstanding achievements, thus the studies achieved in the Song Dynasty is a turning point in the history of studies on the Rite And Ritual of Zhou. From the academic historical perspective, the writer partitions this essay into three parts (stages) to comb the evolution of the Rite And Ritual of Zhou studies in the Song Dynasty as well as particular changes, nuances and academic traits in each parts (stages).
