
東華漢學 THCI

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篇名 斷欲成仙與因愛毀道——論唐傳奇〈杜子春〉的試煉之旅
卷期 6
並列篇名 Abandoning Desire to be Divine, Abrogating the Proper Way for Love’s Sake ── Discussion of the Journey of Trials in Tang Legend Du Zi Chun
作者 賴芳伶
頁次 157-188
關鍵字 唐人小說杜子春佛道思想試煉主題Tang LegendsDu Zi ChunBuddhism and TaoismTheme of TrialsTHCI
出刊日期 200712




Considered a famous story among Tang Legends, Du Zi Chun has been interpreted by some critics according to psychoanalytical approach—love between mother and son, and free will or Faustian reading—returning to conscience builds the values of life. Some critics proclaim that the process of becoming a divine is told to emphasize the importance of familial relationship. Others indicate that Du is a humanist text in terms of denial of Buddhism and Taoism in order to acclaim fraternity in the world. Discourses which simplify religious norms and ignore dialectics between lines in the text as the above have become the mainstream of Du studies. For instance, Peng-Cheng Gong points out that love is the source of trouble and through purification of love and desire can the Proper Way be realized. Huo-Ching Zhang states that contrasting desire and practice of asceticism misinterprets the signification of Buddhism and Taoism because Buddhism and Taoism help in fact heal suffering caused by desire. Gong and Zhangs’ analyses focus only on struggling imposed by desire but fails to explain the understatement as well as ultimate concerns of life. In my opinion, as adaptation takes place, local belief and personal perspective of the translator/interpreter have penetrated the original text, a Buddhism canon Lie Shi Chi. Therefore, there must be more layers to be probed in addition to the global theme “free will vs. destiny” and “grasping the stepping point of life.” Asceticism of Buddhism and Taoism can be examined with interrelation between characters in such a story of trials. This essay aims to develop a new textual concept through connecting ethnical mentality to diverse cultural contexts and of stimulating multiple conversations among the author, the text and the reader.
