
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Determination of Codeine, Morphine and 6-Acetylmorphine in Urine
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 尿中可待因、嗎啡與單乙醯嗎啡之簡易分析法
作者 林楝樑蕭開平陳朝洋
頁次 025-034
關鍵字 GC/MSQuantitationmorphinecodeine6-acetylmorphineurineGC/MS定量嗎啡可待因單乙醯嗎啡尿液MEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 199603


本研究開發並評估一簡易的氣相層析/質 譜儀方法,供定量尿中free codeine,free mor-phine, 6-acetylmorphine, total codeine, total mor- phme。抽取用之緩衝液以pH値為9.0時,其 柚取回收率最高。抽取回收率,free codeine為 98.3%,free morphine 為76,7%,6-acetylmor- phine為85_6%,三甲基矽化衍生物在七十二小時內均非常安定,適合其定量分析。nalor-phine 為內標準品,以 SIM (Selected Ion Monitoring)方式定量。濃度在50至1000 ng/mL範圍內均具有良好的線性關係,日內及 日間精密度試驗顯示,codeine的變異係數為 <147 〜7,72%,morphine 為(X31 〜8,09%,6-acetylmorphine 為 0,49 〜6,15%。


A simple yet effective GC/MS protocol was developed and evaluated for the determination of free codeine, free morphine, 6-acetylmorphine, total codeine and total morphine in urine. Optimal recovery was achieved with extraction conducted at pH 9.0. Trimethylsilyl-derivatives of these analytes and the internal standard (nalorphine) were found adequately stable for a 72- hour period. Quantitative determination of the analytes was performed by selective ion monitoring. Excellent linearity was observed over the 50-1000 ng/mL concentration range studied. The intraday and interday precisions range from 0.47 to 7.72% for codeine, 0.31 to 8.09% for morphine and 0.49 to 6.15% for 6-acetylmorphine. The overall recoveries for codeine, morphine and 6-acetylmorphine were found to be 98.3%, 76.7% and 85.6% respectively.
