
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Quality of Taiwan Pharmaceuticals: Survey of Ampicillin Capsules
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 臺灣地區市售安比西林膠嚢製劑力價之調査
作者 范燕珍林玉珊許美智林嘉伯
頁次 035-040
關鍵字 AmpicillinqualityHPLCMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 199603


本計畫係於民國80年度,由全省各縣市抽 購國產及進口安比西林(Ampicillin) 口服膠囊製 劑共50件,其中國產46件,進口4件,進行下 列各分析項目之檢驗,其中包括外觀、平均重 量、重量均-、度、鑑别、力價、溶離度、含量 均一度及水份含量。檢驗結果有5件檢體力價 及含量均一度未達合格標準,不合格率為 10.0%。另有3件檢體溶離度不符藥典規定,不 合格率為6.0%。


In order to understand the quality of ampicillin capsules, fifty samples ( 46 domestic, 4 imported) were purchased from different counties and cities in Taiwan during 1991 fiscal year. All of the samples were investigated for appearance, mean weight, weight uniformity, identification of drug, potency, dissolution, content uniformity, and loss on drying. The results showed that 5 samples (10.0%) failed to meet the potency requirement of the official regulation (90- 120%) and the contents of uniformity. Besides, there were three samples (6.0%) did not meet the specification of dissolution test.
