
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 市售乾路之衛生狀況
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Hygienic Properties of Marketed Cheeses
作者 黄翠萍洪淑慎施養志
頁次 165-174
關鍵字 物理性狀衛生狀況天然乾酪再製乾酪Physical propertieshygienic propertiesnatural cheeseprocessed cheeseMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 199606


本計晝自八十一年十月至八十二年四月間,由台北市十一家超市償購多種品牌之乾 酪,共計107件樣品,檢驗項目包括物理性狀,pH値、水分含量、灰分、鹽分和鹽度,以及 生菌數、黴菌及酵母菌、大腸桿菌群及大腸桿菌等衛生狀況。再製及天然乾酪之pH値分別爲 5.2至6.2及5.0至6.8,水分含量分別爲25.82%至49.87%及14.75%至54.51% ;灰分分別爲4.02%至 6.86%及2.90%至7.35% ;鹽分分別爲0.20%至2,63%及0.06%至3.35%...


From October 1992 to April 1993, 107 samples of natural cheeses and processed cheeses, purchased from II supermarkets in Taipei, were analyzed for both physical and hygienic properties. Processed cheeses (PC) and natural cheeses (NC) showed the following properties: pH, 5.2 - 6.2 (PC), 5.0 - 6.8 (NC); moisture content, 25.82 - 49.87% (PC), 14.75 - 54.51% (NC); ash content, 4.02 - 6.86% (PC), 2.90 - 7.35% (NC); salt content, 0.20 - 2.63% (PC), 0.06 - 3.35% (NC); brine content, 0.63 - 7.08% (PC), 0.20 - 14.41% (NC). Total bacterial counts of these two categories ranged between <10- 7.8 X 105 CFU/g (PC) and <10 - 1.0 X 108 CFU/g (NC), and yeasts & molds, <10- 9.1 X 105 CFU/g (PC) and <10- 2.2 X 106 CFU/g (NC). E. coli was not detected in any of the samples, except one sample of processed cheese was contaminated with 30 CFU/g of coliform. There were significant differences in pH value) moisture and ash content (p<0.05) between processed cheese and natural cheese. No significant relationship was found between physical and hygienic propmties (r<0.5).
