
東華漢學 THCI

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篇名 士大夫生命的自我投射——方苞《朱子詩義補正》的女性認知
卷期 2
並列篇名 Self-projection of the Intellectual’s Life about Female Recognition in Fang Bao’s Zhu Zi Shi Yi Bu Zheng
作者 丁亞傑
頁次 201-226
關鍵字 《詩經》朱子方苞女性Shi JingZhu ZiFang BaoFemaleTHCI
出刊日期 200405




When Fang Bao explained the previous five chapters of Shi Jing, he constructed a perfect female image. His intellectual standpoint was similar to Zhu Zi and wanted to use metaphysical norms to regulate secular world. His life contained female experience of family. This paper had three purposes. First, we tried to interpret realistic significance of Classics through meanings of Classics, academic standpoint and feelings of existence. Second, we confirmed the function of culture again. Third, we examine the contents and errors by Fang Bao’s methods. The three purposes mixed and cycled. They constituted the whole content and understanding of meaning of Classics. These understanding not only restore ancient history but also provide the meanings of modern world.
