
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 朱熹的諸子學:以「攻異端」與「闢邪説」爲脈絡的系譜考察
卷期 33
並列篇名 Examining Zhu Xi5s Classification of Scholars: The Study of the Literature Context under “Against Strange Doctrines” and “Perverse Speakings”
作者 張書豪
頁次 055-080
關鍵字 朱子諸子楊朱墨子系譜Zhu XiHundred Schools of ThoughtScholarsYang ZhuMoziclassification of scholarsTHCI
出刊日期 201705


本文追蹤朱子《四書》系列著作的文獻脈絡,探討其如何吸納北宋諸儒的思 辨軌跡,進而建構出諸子系譜的學術歷程。發現朱子認為,只要是非儒家之言, 即為「異端」,其後再經「蔽者辭詖而溺陷,陷者辭淫而偏離,離者辭邪而困窮, 窮者辭遁而逃匿」,終將流於「邪說」。朱子建立的諸子系譜,則是以孟子所闢的 楊朱、墨子為起點,貫串歷代諸子百家,開展出異端世界的圖象。其繫聯方法, 乃就各家的橫攝比較,決定學派的縱貫流衍,最終組織成以「氣象類似」為特徵 的諸子系譜。


The present study explored the thoughts and ideas found in the Four Books series written by Zhu Xi to illustrate the process in Classification of Scholars which Zhu Xi familiarized himself with the assertions made by northern Song dynasty Confucian scholars. This study found that to Zhu Xi, any doctrines outside of the Confucian doctrines were “strange doctrines.” In addition, he advocated the notion that a deceived person who uses biased words becomes a fallen person, a fallen person who uses nonsense words becomes a extravagant person, a extravagant person who uses evil words becomes a dumb person, and a dumb person who uses escaped words becomes a hidden person. As a result, the strange doctrines come to be the perverse speakings. Zhu Xi’s classification of scholars was based on Mencius’s criticism against Yang Zhu and Mozi and incorporated viewpoints presented by numerous scholars from different dynasties, leading to the concept of “strange doctrines.” Zhu Xi’s classification of scholars was made by comparing the different schools of thoughts horizontally and identifying the development of the different schools longitudinally. Consequently, this classification of scholars was organized to classify sages with similar dispositions.
