
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 論王鼎鈞自傳體散文對自由之嚮往與體認
卷期 33
並列篇名 Discuss the Realization and Yearning for Liberty on Wang Dingjun's prose
作者 佘佳燕
頁次 333-354
關鍵字 王鼎鈞自傳體散文戰爭自由Wang DingjunAutobiographical ProseWarLibertyTHCI
出刊日期 201705


過去對於戰爭文學作品的研究,常偏重時代社會外在體制的變化,忽略個人 內心心靈的探索。王鼎鈞歷經對日抗戰、國共內戰,渡海來台又遭遇白色恐怖, 畢生渴望自由。本文以《碎琉璃》、《山裏山外》、《左心房漩渦》、《回憶錄四部曲》 這類回顧過往經歷,抒情記事的自傳體散文為研究範圍,探討王鼎鈞散文對自由 之嚮往與體認,藉此瞭解一代文學家如何透過文字書寫,探測記憶的黑洞,釋放 禁錮多年的靈魂,歸返自由的精神家園。


Past research on war literature, often biased on outside system changing as the social era but ignoring the exploration to the personal inner soul. Wang Dingjun personally experienced the Sino-Japanese war, Chinese Civil War, and also affected by the White Terror after he moved to Taiwan, thus by lifelong has desired for liberty. The scope of the present paper is by reviewing his autobiographical notes such like "Broken Glass", "In and Outside the Mountain", "Whirlpool of the Left Atrium ", "Memoirs of Tetralogy", trying to explore his yearning for liberty, also to understand how Wang Dingjun through his writing explore the memory, release the soul, and return to liberty.
