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篇名 解其桎梏——莊子論心靈的解放
卷期 44:6=517
並列篇名 To Free Someone from His Handcuffs and Fetters —Chuang-Tzu’s Analysis on Freedom of Mind
作者 吳祖剛
頁次 135-147
關鍵字 吾喪我辯無勝莊周夢蝶MindI Lost MyselfNo Winner in DisputesButterfly DreamA&HCI
出刊日期 201706




The wandering that Chuang-Tzu want to achieve is to liberate mind. To Chuang-Tzu, mind has two kinds of state, namely wu and wo. Wu means that mind is to be united with Dao, while wo means that the mind gets lost in right and wrong. The former expresses the freedom of mind, the latter is contrary. Therefore, in order to get the freedom, mind has to wipe out wo. Chuang-Tzu names this process as “I lost myself”. “I lost myself” is comprised of two parts, the first one is to reject other ego and the second one is to reject my ego.
