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篇名 從「以古非今」到「因世權行」:漢初儒者對秦漢新政治秩序的回應
卷期 17
並列篇名 From Conservatives to Progressives: Confucian Responses to the New Polity in the Early Western Han
作者 吳曉昀
頁次 099-134
關鍵字 先秦儒學漢代儒學陸賈叔孫通儒家政治思想Early ConfucianismHan ConfucianismConfucian political philosophyTHCI
出刊日期 201706




This article discusses how the Confucian scholars Shusun Tong 叔 孫通 and Lu Jia 陸賈 reformed traditional Confucian discourse in an effort to resolve conflicts with early Han political authorities. In the Warring States period, there was widespread criticism of Confucian scholars’ veneration of the legendary golden age of antiquity. Moreover, both Legalist scholars and the emperors of the Qin and early Han dynasties regarded speech about the ancient sage-kings as a challenge to their authority, and as a result, they castigated Confucians for their propensity for “referring to the past to criticize the present.” In response, Shusun Tong and Lu Jia worked to reform Confucian political philosophy in terms of structure of power and legitimacy of authority respectively. Their efforts not only adapted Confucianism to the new polity but also resumed the impact of Confucianism in a new political era.
