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篇名 輔具適配評估專業發展初探:兼論輔具評估人員專業倫理守則之建構
卷期 32
並列篇名 Preliminary Exploration of Professional Development of Assistive Technology Assessment and Consideration of the Construction of a Code of Ethics
作者 周宇翔李淑貞
頁次 035-063
關鍵字 輔具適配評估倫理守則專業發展身心障礙Assistive technology assessmentcode of ethicsprofessional developmentdisability
出刊日期 201706


伴隨 2012 年身心障礙者鑑定與需求評估新制的實施,輔具相關法規命令的修正通 過,不僅確立輔具服務的法源位階,同時也透過專業認證制度的建立,確認輔具評估人 員的法定地位,為輔具適配評估專業發展立下新興里程碑。然而,我國輔具適配評估發 展至今,已成為一門「專業」了嗎?尚待發展哪些元素?為回答前述研究問題,本文分 為兩大部份:首先,透過文獻檢閱,本文進行我國輔具適配評估專業發展分析;研究發 現,目前需盡速發展「輔具評估人員倫理守則」。接續,本文透過輔具倫理議題及相關 專業團體倫理守則內容分析,針對「案主」、「同僚」、「專業」及「社會」等四個層面, 發展輔具評估人員倫理守則(原則版),作為未來相關團體組織規劃參考依據。


With the implementation of the current procedure employed for disability evaluation and needs assessment for people with disabilities in 2012, the related legislation on assistive technology(AT)assessment confirms the legal status and establishes the professional certification of AT assessors. However, there is an important question which has elicited less attention until now: Is the AT assessment professional a complete professional? In order to explore the research question, this article is divided into two parts. The first part presents an analysis of AT assessment professional development based on a literature review; the results show an urgent need to develop the code of ethics for professionals of AT assessment. In the second part, this study develops a four-dimension code of ethics, including: client, colleagues, profession and society as the draft for future development.
