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篇名 德國柏林泰格爾監獄(Justizvollzugsanstalt Tegel)及 柏林少年感化院(Jugendstrafanstalt Berlin)參訪紀實
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 A Report Based on the Visit at Justizvollzugsanstalt Tegel Prison and Jugendstrafanstalt Berlin
作者 陳俞亨
頁次 105-128
出刊日期 201707


德國柏林泰格爾監獄及柏林少年感化院,均為柏林地區歷史悠久之矯正 機關,儘管超過百餘年之歷史,部分設施較為老舊,但柏林邦仍秉持著與時倶 進的精神,在矯正機關的硬體及軟體上,不斷更新,力求與世界潮流接軌,恪 守人權與法治,協助收容人復歸社會。藉由本次的參訪,觀察到柏林邦之矯 正制度,從我國角度觀之,雖部分作為可謂十分「前衛」,且在兩國之文化及 國情截然不同之前提下,德國柏林之矯正制度,仍有許多值得我國學習參考之 處,特別是矯正機關人權議題,近年來不斷受到關注,我國現行制度也因此受 到挑戰。爰此,如何在符合人權公約的前提下,制訂出符合我國國情之矯正策 略及法規,正挑戰著當前的決策者。本次參訪心得,筆者認為我國可參考之處 如下: 一、 矯正工作係一門專業及複雜之領域,故須投注更多的專業人力。 二、 矯正機關之工作職場,如須考慮打破性別限制,在職場上,應如同 柏林矯正機關,落實「無性別差異」之工作內容、工作要求與訓練。 三、 人權保障應符合相關國際公約,並以此前提,檢視我國相關矯正制 度及法規,是否有調整或修法之必要。 四、 風險評估對於未來在假釋審查上,應予以納入相關評估機制。 五、 各矯正當局,應有其核心之矯正策略,如柏林以「社會復歸」為其 核心,相關矯正處遇措施,也配合該核心策略所訂定。


Established in the 19th century, both Justizvollzugsanstalt Tegel and Jugendstrafanstalt Berlin are historical correctional institutions in Berlin. Although parts of physical facilities of the institutions are not that modern, the Berlin authorities keep updating their treatment programmes and facilities not only to meet the criteria of human rights standards and requirements but also to ensure their programmes to be effective to help inmates to be reintegrated into the society. From our perspectives, the correctional policies in Berlin might be too progressive, and even conflict with our culture, yet many advantages of their policies are worth learning, especially on the human rights issues. Currently, how to establish correctional policies to meet both our culture and international human rights standards are challenging our policy-makers. Based on this visit, some suggestions are below: Firstly, corrections are complicated and professional, so the authorities should invest more professionals and resources in the correctional field. Secondly, while considering to cancel gender restrictions for being correctional professionals in Taiwan, there shall be no gender differences in the responsibilities, requirements and training at work. Thirdly, it is necessary to meet the criteria of international human rights standards, and thus, we should review our current codes and laws to see whether they have to be amended. Fourthly, the mechanism of risk assessment and management shall be taken into consideration for reviewing prisoners’ parole. Fifthly, all correctional authorities shall have their main purposes or goals on their policies. For example, rehabilitation and social reintegration is the main purpose of Berlin’s correctional policies, and thus other treatment programmes will base on the purposes to be established.

