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篇名 癌症存活者的疼痛管理與成癮性止痛藥品使用困境
卷期 21:4
並列篇名 Pain Management and Dilemma of Narcotics Usage in Cancer Survivors
作者 林家惠林正耀陳應輝
頁次 412-416
關鍵字 癌症存活者疼痛管制藥品cancer survivorspainnarcoticsTSCI
出刊日期 201707
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2017.21(4).11


癌症存活者係指完成癌症治療且追蹤後未再復發的病人,雖然癌症已獲得控制,但在抗癌治療後 產生的持續性疼痛卻長久伴隨病人,嚴重影響生活品質。部分癌症存活者長期以成瘾性止痛藥物作為疼 痛控制藥物之一,然而其合適性、安全性與成癮性在文獻報告與議題討論仍付之闕如。實際上癌症存活 者與非癌症病人在慢性疼痛的管理上有著相異處,本文試著針對癌症存活者的疼痛問題,提出目前台灣 疼痛管理上的困境並做討論,以期針對癌症存活者疼痛的問題,能逐步發展出適宜的疼痛管理與照護規 範,改善癌症存活者生活品質。


A cancer survivor is someone who has no recurrence after completing his or her cancer treatment. After the cancer is controlled, persistent pain caused by the cancer treatment still bothers the patients and impacts their quality of life. Some cancer survivors depend long term on narcotic analgesics to control their pain, however, its suitability, safety, and addiction has seldom been discussed in literature. There are differences between the management of chronic pain for cancer survivors and non-cancer patients. This report discusses the current difficulties on pain management in Taiwan of the cancer survivors in hope that suitable management and care specification of the cancer survivors5 pain could be developed, and improve the cancer survivors* quality of life.
