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篇名 政治抗議事件中媒體的創新使用與實踐:以太陽花運動為例
卷期 33
並列篇名 Mediating the Sunflower Movement: Hybrid Media Networks in a Digital Age
作者 劉時君蘇蘅
頁次 147-188
關鍵字 太陽花運動社群媒體政治抗議網路主流媒體2014 Sunflower movementthe Internetpolitical protestsocial mediamainstream media
出刊日期 201707




This paper aims to trace the contemporary hybrid media network in a Taiwanese political protest context, focusing mainly on the 2014 Sunflower movement (also known as Occupy Parliament) in Taiwan. The proliferation of digital media use in this protest makes it an significant case study in regard to tracing the complex media networks at work in recent political protests. Tech-savvy activists utilized digital technology such as social media, online streaming services, Google Maps, and collaborative online editing tools to distribute messages and live news, while mainstream media also show signs of technological innovation in reporting news from the event, with newspapers providing live report via internet and social media. This research conducts a set of qualitative interviews with heterogenous actors from mainstream media and alternative media who participated in the Sunflower Movement, from which in-depth data will be gathered and analyzed. In conclusion, the authors argue that mainstream and alternative media form links through technology and digital tools in modern political protest. Interactive technology can be seen as conducive to contemporary transnational political activism. The study further provides an empirical account of the transforming media networks in action in a political protest context.
